Yesterday evening was so exciting. Clelia's group, one of the Italian group, has left this morning, so we had a farewell party yesterday: dance and diplomas first at the social bar with all the students, teachers and MLI staff and then we had a private dinner for teachers and all the Italians . It was Clelia, la mamma, who cooked pasta with tomato sauce for everyone and invited us to take it at her kitchen.
What a surprise!!
When we got in we saw a completely different kitchen than the one we have in our flats (when all are supposed to be the same).
There were flowers, posters on the walls, balloons, plenty of food, a laid table with tablecloth, napkins, laces on the corner, plates, forks, knives, glasses, everything needed and above all a warm and friendly atmophere around!!!! All the Italian people were welcoming us, cooking and smiling!
12 teachers were there and 4 Italian women were cooking for us! They offered us toasts with cheese, prosciutto, salame, speck, farfalle with tomato, spaghetti with basile and a home-made limoncello. Everything delicious!!
La mamma even gave some spices to a teacher to let him prepare his own sauce at home.
We could feel the great Italian hospitality and nice character!
The most incredible thing is that la mamma has been cooking every night since they arrived at the campus. So, most of our students went there some days to have their pasta dinner!!
Evenings won't be the same after this warm Italian dinner! Thanks to Clelia. We'll try to join you next summer wherever you'll go! ; )