We want to share with you the amazing experience of Onepoundland, that it is very popular in cities of England. This morning, Montse, Maite, the teacher from Madrid and I have walked to the city center. We needed some things, that at the moment we can not explain, you will see. Maite has suggested us to buy in the Poundland. What we have seen it, it has been really incredible! All the things you can find in a supermarket, you can buy for only 1 pound. For example: silicon cake cases, soap, cookies, 100 strips, candles. Everything! The amazing thing is that the quality of these products is as good as everywhere. In our country we have the Chinese shops, but as you know, you can not trust in the quality of this shops. The downside is that encourages consumption for consumption and you have to know what do you really need!
Sílvia you are right! Here we would buy everything! Luckily or unfortunately everything would not fit on the suitcase, so this is what stops us... Even though we can allow some whim for 1 pound, can't we?